on Jul 11, 2010 from Marthashof pavilion to the park wall on the Rosenthaler Platz to the Red City Hall: that was the MEGA SPREE demo!
gentrification: Save the City - The Friday
Mono Column - Neighbourhood gentrification [Monocle] 08/03/2010
" But even if you acknowledge that center will never again be the laissez-faire laboratory of 15 years ago, it's still depressing to witness a once lively local street search as Oranienburgerstrasse turn into a subculture theme park for pub-crawls and Ukrainian prostitutes "
06/08/2010 "How uncool is the critique of gentrification?" - "cultural vampirism" the term is incorporated!
Berliner Zeitung - News Berlin - Berlin Mitte Kollhoff finds "depressing"
what should generally be found at taz, Tagesspiegel, etc. always respect and everyone should be as free as his own positions to publish.
"Even Martin Reiter misgives He believes that many" traders ". trying to earn money with the brand Tacheles. "The idea that at some point is a Tacheles sneaker is feeling bad," he says.
It is the old dispute between money and spirit, between Gammel and Glamour. The Berlin city center just experiencing it on several fronts. . Another prominent example is the photo gallery C / O Berlin in the former imperial post house, a few hundred meters from the Tacheles " Senate wants to stop renting explosion - Berliner Zeitung 25.08.2010
is Ingeborg Junge -Reyer (SPD) this save you and your party?
Prenzlauer Berg: In vain, and soon outside
summary judgments of the icons of gentrification: "Prenzlauer Berg dies And the Berlin Senate, neither should we blame failure to render assistance.." debate macchiato mothers. Project children of noble parents - taz.de
wow, a problem that forced more than 100 people to comment: "The child is our purpose in life, it is all one, it must be. happiness, purpose, status symbol, the fountain of youth is a serious mistake but who does not have a life that is very disappointing to follow this disappoint must ".. and the educational results in the future, are the former? "That would be the town square an interface between the old and the new Oberschöneweide and become the Spree.
Berlin lifeline (12): Oderberger Street: Where Gods trees grow - Urban Life - Berlin - Daily Mirror
is hardly even a friend of Marthashof-Verbetonierung be - two and a half years before he had to criticize, "Marthashof sounds like the name of a lunatic asylum [...]" Bolle Belle: Text Archive: Berliner Zeitung Archiv
"Wulff was grateful for a gift of milk and honey-life with more than 400,000 Euronen annual state Apanage to the end of his days, continued the Köhler table tradition and worried also about the "gaps between citizens and politicians"
on Monday, 30.08.2010 Der Spiegel 35/2010 subtitled: the contrast
" basic hatred of the state, "a" base .-distrust "against the administration cherish
standing here as you may appeal 09/03/2010: The House of anarchy (daily newspaper Junge Welt)
The gentry is Level is reached, "warns Schmidt. Upgrading processes are somewhat for brave investors who are not afraid of social protests. But it is like so many times: The early bird catches the worm. Only then can drink cocktails on the roofs of Berlin and elsewhere, " to another. gentrification literally" Gentrification Blog 06/09/2010 discussion meeting "Workshop Project Linienhof
"When Gentrification known, all those investment strategies for their success, the exchange of people and uses is provided. Can be achieved with higher profits than with condominiums for rent, and it is the tenants. Should the currently popular news confirm that Hartz IV recipients will be forced to move into small apartments, are displacement processes - supported by the authorities - still hold fast to ride. Where office buildings and shopping centers can be realized particularly promising, must give way to even such established cultural sites such as the Tacheles in Berlin. called in July in Berlin dozens of clubs and bars, many Community groups and political groups, but unfortunately only a few tenants initiatives and neighborhood groups to a protest march on. "
Mono Column - Neighbourhood gentrification [Monocle] 08/03/2010
" But even if you acknowledge that center will never again be the laissez-faire laboratory of 15 years ago, it's still depressing to witness a once lively local street search as Oranienburgerstrasse turn into a subculture theme park for pub-crawls and Ukrainian prostitutes "
Berliner Zeitung - News Berlin - Berlin Mitte Kollhoff finds "depressing"
TREE SHAME of Berlin: Gothe 11/08/2010
the good wife, who has turned so last fall with the initiatives of the Wall Park movie, even the Malaysian population brings something of the life Or at Wall Park and Berger-triangle near ...
Wild West atmosphere on the water tower area, "Rising rents stop! Posted Ephraim Gothe (45, SPD), for Construction of Center: "We want to look at the French Cathedral free make "
Sunday in Berlin
Sunday in Berlin
the good wife, who has turned so last fall with the initiatives of the Wall Park movie, even the Malaysian population brings something of the life Or at Wall Park and Berger-triangle near ...
ICON-Closure: Carnation City Council will seek solutions a city proud of its underground scene, a trendy new social club feeds anxiety about elitism "
08/21/2010: The dirty side of the city planning (daily newspaper Junge Welt) 21/08/2010
nice little book !
peace, joy, Fuck Parade: Text Archive: Berliner Zeitung 23:08:10
was also at the event, which was also a law-master of the BIN-Berlin participated it to the big picture, "" gentrification "," Water secret contracts, "Media-Spree and Wall Park - as well as arms trafficking and drug companies: At the rally is little left out. "The Spree is yours! The Wall Park belongs to you! The Acud is yours! Berlin belongs to you, "shouts one speaker in the 2000, which came at the start. Next to it is Dr. Motte and nods. The inventor of the Love Parade has, after many years ago will comply with the anti-faction that his parade always has kept them commercially. " nice little book !
peace, joy, Fuck Parade: Text Archive: Berliner Zeitung 23:08:10
in the comments, please use the link to Peter Brenner (Greens BVV Pankow) is observed. what should generally be found at taz, Tagesspiegel, etc. always respect and everyone should be as free as his own positions to publish.
Info - What is gentrification? - Berlin - Print Archive - Berliner Morgenpost 08.25.2010 of geography students from the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, where people had AIM on 8/24/2010 submitted for a meeting of experts available, it was reported,
that star-berlin would continue undaunted in Prenzlauer Berg said there is no gentrification.
Berlin fears for a cultural icon - Culture: Miscellaneous - bazonline.ch 25/08/2010 "Even Martin Reiter misgives He believes that many" traders ". trying to earn money with the brand Tacheles. "The idea that at some point is a Tacheles sneaker is feeling bad," he says.
It is the old dispute between money and spirit, between Gammel and Glamour. The Berlin city center just experiencing it on several fronts. . Another prominent example is the photo gallery C / O Berlin in the former imperial post house, a few hundred meters from the Tacheles "
is Ingeborg Junge -Reyer (SPD) this save you and your party?
Wolfgang Thierse calls for protection of Tenants at the water tower Schroeder, invited to the site visit, 30 people came. The revision of the Building Code for leave Berlin for ten years to a very dense development, he says. "But you have to do not always all that one can," said Thierse. The District Office had slept through to work with the necessary emphasis to the social needs of the tenants'
Prenzlauer Berg: In vain, and soon outside
. The expected return on real estate in Kastanienallee is high because the district attracts with its "radical chic" cash ready audience everywhere. The people here buy their clothes, sipping their cocktails, so try to take part in the dissident flair, non-commercial way of life that was once here at home and in part still is "
important links.
Berlin to return from evacuation the basement to get "Gentrification Blog and the" Joint Statement by the Executive Board of the District Executive Committee and the Group in the Pankow district council (BVV) Pankow of Alliance 90/The Greens "
to evacuate the store in vain Kastanienallee 86
a trendy neighborhood with no scene: Prenzlauer Berg
08/27/2010 summary judgments of the icons of gentrification: "Prenzlauer Berg dies And the Berlin Senate, neither should we blame failure to render assistance.." debate macchiato mothers. Project children of noble parents - taz.de
wow, a problem that forced more than 100 people to comment: "The child is our purpose in life, it is all one, it must be. happiness, purpose, status symbol, the fountain of youth is a serious mistake but who does not have a life that is very disappointing to follow this disappoint must ".. and the educational results in the future, are the former?
That was our education: Searching for the Prenzlauer Berg - Reports - Feuilleton - FAZ.NET 02/08/2010
A beautiful idea, which unfortunately fell victim to the financial crisis." sentry: Senate sticks to plans for Wall Trail - Berlin - Daily Mirror 09.03.2010
"Reportedly, some private residents refuse to sell in the range between Bernauer and Schönholzer road for the Memorial project parts of their gardens. But the former sentry of the East German border guards, remain in the course will receive the project and will be partially restored, leads exactly to these areas "and a few meters. Mauerpark berlin2030 Tagesspiegel Berlin lifeline (12): Oderberger Street: Where Gods trees grow - Urban Life - Berlin - Daily Mirror
"The doubtful future, almost present is to see where or Berger and Schwedt in meet: the awful purple shoe box for the residential complex Marthashof, luxury rabbit hutches in the Schwedt street advertises ".
David Wagner is hardly even a friend of Marthashof-Verbetonierung be - two and a half years before he had to criticize, "Marthashof sounds like the name of a lunatic asylum [...]"
LINKEZEITUNG.DE - Berlin: The table of have-nots, the superfluous and day laborers
08/25/2010 "Wulff was grateful for a gift of milk and honey-life with more than 400,000 Euronen annual state Apanage to the end of his days, continued the Köhler table tradition and worried also about the "gaps between citizens and politicians"
The Pothole: Conservatism wanted - taz.de
24/08/2010 "The protest against" Stuttgart 21 ", the action" school of freedom "," participatory budget ", the battle for public utilities, a social year or Biogenossenschaften are neither "right" nor "left", but forward-facing and focused on social cohesion. The strengthening of a rather "conservative" as "progressive" communitarianism could create safety nets to prevent economic crashes, infrastructure networks for organic conversion, and social networks for care, mutual aid and regional economies. "
à propos Matthias Greffrath: somewhat fallen out of chronology: talk to an estate at Little Rosenthaler Street: The last site in the middle - taz.de 08/03/2010
on Monday, 30.08.2010 Der Spiegel 35/2010 subtitled: the contrast
-Republic: Stuttgart 21, nuclear power, education reform (p.64 ff) a citizen uprising against the policy, found no the conflict on the basis of an equity culture Tacheles (S.48ff.) and the same on Tuesday asked euromaxx "Headless, aimlessly, clueless: Why we are governed so badly"
now follows therefore a Hot Autumn? Short Summary of previously planned protests - the Friday 08/08/2010
Unternimm the Now! "The German Bundestag may decide ... the unconditional basic income introduced." 06/11/2010
Berlin water table always the latest since:
water table - Google Search as well as a look seen? cosmopolitan Park of questionable content from the home Schirrmacher: men in the prime of life residing in Prenzlauer Berg, the City Council in Gothenburg the town meeting as sharp - Domestic - International . spokesmen of the radical opposition speech she had moved about ten years after Prenzlauer Berg, a former state -. modern apartments in geschichtsverwittertem public space -. appears to them as worth defending chic in the south of Prenzlauer Berg says Mayor Köhne, was a very strange population structure were . Not more than five percent were there for over sixty years . Alt "
na we are excited when the red-green triumvirate Kirchner Gothe-Köhne last horse and rider is called: not that it ends up again those are the long one water table - Google Search as well as a look seen?
" basic hatred of the state, "a" base .-distrust "against the administration
standing here as you may appeal
opposition - at least to 22 September
- must then possibly other ways are: and now the last seen: when at times the Google search berlin gentrification or
gentrification berlin The gentry is Level is reached, "warns Schmidt. Upgrading processes are somewhat for brave investors who are not afraid of social protests. But it is like so many times: The early bird catches the worm. Only then can drink cocktails on the roofs of Berlin and elsewhere, " to another. gentrification literally" Gentrification Blog 06/09/2010 discussion meeting "Workshop Project Linienhof
And now the news flash to the scandal: Mrs. Hortensia Völckers was yesterday forced to the same event on the quasi-life art: uncivilized man in the House of World Cultures have disturbed their moderation! the way: please do not disturb tomorrow on 9.9.10 uncultivated: since the investor is the construction Belforter Bahr Str / Str Strasbourg / Metz st. from: 19:30 to au occasion of the regular committee meeting in Building 7, Room BVV Pankow district of Berlin, 10400 Berlin, Fröbelstraße 17th this gentleman is the current "site" interviewed September 2010 p.4, which is hopefully soon to read here: http://mieterberatungpb.de/download.php
advance here Investor Rainer Bahr " on site "interview
more background information:
luxury building in Prenzlauer Berg: Owner plans to clear-cutting - taz.de
place for palaces
advance here Investor Rainer Bahr " on site "interview
more background information:
luxury building in Prenzlauer Berg: Owner plans to clear-cutting - taz.de
place for palaces