Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How Long Before You See The Results From Zumba

WALL IN THE PARK & bathhouse bathhouse or Berger on Friday 19:30!

BIN Berlin, the Citizens 'Initiatives Network Berlin invites you to Sunday 18.00 in the spaces of the pavement eV in the bathhouse or Berger Street (side entrance on the right) to a high caliber event, not only citizens' initiatives, but the first time initiative citizens, and all those who want to be .
to these questions go to:
development of binding, clearer guidelines for public participation and changes to building regulations against over-compression of the inner city
the situation of the assignment attached dwellings

displacement effects by appreciating redevelopment (gentrification)
further gentrification displacement effects in the wake of projects like Marthashof or in anticipation of the mega-project development by Wall Park Vivico Real Estate in connection with the development of Bernauer Straße Stofanel pavilion. [! See demo call] we are pleased to discuss this and many other things can be with:

Stefanie Remlinger

Antje Kapek

"Bündnis90 /

"First are the efforts of BIN-Berlin a standardized citizenship, while responsible for Gentrifizierunsfragen:

Sylvia Hoehne-Kille forest
manager of
tenant advice Prenzlauer Berg with

tenant advice Prenzlauer Berg and
Josef Göbel , affected representation Kollwitz Platz

are also expected to representatives, the young Initiatives:
neighborhood initiative Line Services, contact: line-garden-owner [at] lists.nadir.org citizen initiative Oberspree www . tribal initiative oberspree.de
residents Initiative Bäkewiese Contact: catrin_braun [at] hotmail.com The latter initiative is facing Stofanel latest plans for the beautification of Berlin - this time plans of the investor: "... till about 300 ancient trees overgrown land between Berlin-Wannsee, Potsdam-Babelsberg, directly to the nature reserve Bäkewiese with 53 luxury villas around 100 of the old trees are to soft luxury villas" a who from the claustrophobic, nightmarish investors aesthetics, which is implemented by the architecture firm green cloth / Ernst in the Schwedter Straße 37-40 wants to gain an impression can have a look on the sides of the riparian initiative Marthashof throw (AIM). the "days of chainsaw are again on Griebnitzsee not be long in coming, if Stofanel is not stopped. recommend reading preparatory to the meeting we:
http://www.mieterberatungpb.de/admin / download/files/Heft0509.pdf specifically p.8

The anger of the photographer-Dinos

helmholtzplatz.de "No courage to leave gaps . As they are stealing tenants sun and trees! - Notes from prenzlauerberg

who lament the Bionade may not yet have enough here a second helping bring

grain bread flute women: Text Archive: laugh Berliner Zeitung Archiv
Bionade bourgeoisie lifestyle environmentalists - smug, stuffy, neoliberal ? - Lifestyle News - WELT ONLINE

BIN Berlin is working on an appeal, which we want to bring this event to be heard.
is nowhere more evident with the brutal Bemächtigungswille which we find ourselves in the initiatives every day, as in the ludicrous plans for Construction of the center- Gothenburg / SPD and the Real Estate Vivico, therefore:

After well over a decade of political inaction of the Berlin Senate tried to resolve the situation now with a very poor compromise.
Mittes for Construction Ephraim Gothe (SPD) presented here in July before the new building design, after about 4.5 ha of the park with 6-10 storey building bars to be built.
The implementation of the architectural design would have fatal consequences for the Wall Park and its users:
's cultural life would die out by constant disturbance complaints and conditions and a much-needed green space would be destroyed. The luxury residential buildings would be a social wall to the Wedding and the true vision of the park, namely to create a green space that connects East and West, to naught. Institutions such as the flea market and cafe Swifts plans would have to differ as well. The decision on the new plans is at 25.11. in the Urban Development Committee in mid-and we agree that Berlin politics ever address the fact that we do not take our car can be. Therefore demonstrated to us on Saturday, 14.11. for completion of the park wall and against a building. Wall Park is our park and no experimental surface of any investors!


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