Sunday, March 6, 2011

My Elbow Is Swollen For No Reason


Because the flower tops were sold out so quickly, I still have a few cards and cleared the Butterblumenbatts Lädele:

How did the number of images you see, it gave me this Batts very pleased and so are some who wandered into my stash. One thing I've angesponnen before and I can only say that spring is really pure. The wool / silk blend can spin out very fine, so I'll be in this case, Navajo plying, and if it is large, It will be a light cloth spring (wink wink Heike). Here a coil picture because I am so thrilled at all of the colors:

Due to high demand I will be English roses and magnolia blossoms color again, possibly from even the tulips Amsterdam and anemones. If my yarn delivery eintrudelt this week, it blooms again from 21 March.

And tomorrow it goes to part 3 of the spring action on long journey: about Ireland, Norway, Hawaii and Africa to the beautiful end of the world to the rainbow :-)


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