Friday, October 30, 2009
Writing Community Service Letters For Court
financiers of the devastation :
plot Kastanienallee / Schönhauser Allee
in BVV room.
planning for land Kastanienallee 97-99/Schönhauser All 148
10 400 Berlin, Fröbelstraße 17 House 7, BVV Hall continuation of the 27th public meeting of the Borough Assembly of Pankow in Berlin
Occasion: continuation of the regular session
ULTRA main agenda: showing the flag!
first The BVV asked the district office to help to ensure that the land use plan established planning objectives of Berlin for the development of a connected green coating on the surfaces of the former site of the freight depot of the Northern Railway between Bernauer Strasse and Gleim tunnel realized and the Wall Park in its proposed location and size be (competition result, design of Prof. Lange) completed. second The District Office is requested, the Senate of Berlin and the Berlin Mitte District this position to provide and coordinate a common approach to achieve this goal. third
The District Office is requested to support the commitment of citizens' initiatives for the completion of the Wall Park.
In recent weeks considerations from the district office center known as "compensation" for transfer of land to expand the existing wall parking area on parts of the previously earmarked for the completion of the Wall Park areas in the district center of the property owners planning permission for a massive residential development to give.
The Wall Park is planned as a green corridor, which offers on-site of the former division of the city joined a lively meeting place and recreation. A development with houses would thwart these projects and highlight passages, despite a new dividing line.
The Wall Park is today, although only half finished, a very heavily used recreational area in the middle of densely built neighborhoods that desperately need an increase, to maintain the usability and improve the future.
Given the already existing and further increasing density of residential development in this area would provide additional residential development on land to which this has so far ruled out building regulations, not in the public interest. Such additional, large-scale residential area countered the efforts of the district offices of central and Pankow, the ongoing infill in the surrounding residential areas to counteract construction law.
A residential development on the proposed Wall parking areas would not only deprive the much needed green space to the park, but to use because of inevitable conflicts between the residential use and the lively park usage, latter limit even further.
chestnut avenue in Prenzlauer Berg for the planning and public participation
Please take note of: In completion of the 20 in the Meeting of BVV on 10.12.2008 adopted
request from the Borough Assembly - Printed Matter VI-0522: "1 The BVV asked the district office, take into account when reviewing the planning of chestnut avenue to under point four aspects of this proposal put forward and the test results of both the Committee on Transport, public policy and consumer protection, and participation in civil present. second The implementation of the current draft planning does not automatically lead to an increase in traffic safety since a) the Chestnut Avenue is widened optical, which usually leads to an increase in the speed of road users and thus increases tendenhziell serious risk accidents b) the multi-purpose strip probably parked cars more frequently and is the bike rider then must auseichen in the reach of the tram, which increases the risk of accident or - as today - to hazards during the opening and closing of car doors comes c) the management of the supply strip over the area lead Haltestellenkaps tram to major conflicts and the risk of accidents between pedestrians and cyclists will d) of the pavement by the engagement of the parking bays become less usable space, is even today is in part recorded already over-exploitation, e) an integration the chestnut trees in a reasonable cycling system is missing and it is not anyway because of the tram line and the missing link in a northerly and southerly direction suitable for the exclusive bundling of cycling.
third Against this background, the District Office is requested to also examine development options that by widening the sidewalk to a reduction the roadway cross-section lead, allowing a change of space that can possibly lead to a shift away from the longitudinal Parking. These variants are also to discuss with the citizens' is reported pursuant to § 13 District Administration Act (BezVG).
Referring to the interim report of 24/02/2009 we inform you that the revised draft on the basis of citizen participation in planning the was meeting of the Committee on Transport, public policy and consumer protection confirmed from 12.05.2009 and submitted on time the appropriate planning document on 30.06.2009 at the Senate Department for Urban Development for consideration. We ask to see the finished printed matter in this context as. budgetary impact no equality and equal treatment-related effects no impact on sustainable development no omitted child and family compatibility
Matthias Köhler Jens-Holger Kirchner
here again the
overview of the most interesting meeting day, because, unfortunately, can not be operated with links, the BVV Information System turn out to be more than annoying Desinformationsssystem end. highlighted
we have all the points that fell into our eye:
Ö 1 complex 1
Ö 1.11 Selecting an adjunct member of the board of BVV Pankow in Berlin VI-0873
Ö 1:13 choice of an arbitrator for the arbitration District 1 - the difference in the district includes the hamlet of Book - in the district of Pankow VI-0857
Ö 1:14 election an arbitrator for the arbitration District 10 - the difference District includes the District of Weissensee - in the district of Pankow VI-0858
Ö 1:20
Marthashof VI-0871 Ö 1:21 make Mauerpark ready, combine with green - instead of separated by buildings VI-0867 Ö 1:25 release of blocked funds media procurement VI -0872 Ö Ö 2 complex 2 2.7 Protestant cemeteries along the Heinrich-Roller-Straße VI-0207 9.2 Ö development of cooperative site Eliashof
VI-0261 2:10 Ö dissolution of the district's facilities branch libraries Esmarchstr.18 (Kurt - Tucholsky Library ) and Senefelderstr. 6 (library Eliashof) VI-0310 Ö 2:11 Indoor pool Pankow: keep open door - Moratorium VI-0329 Ö 2.13 Further operating Kurt Tucholsky Library VI-0384 Ö 2:15 experience on Meeting request - places for all generations VI-0468 Ö 2:16 restoration objectives long-term planning law VI-0495
Ö 2:17 Environmental and Energy Park in the botanical public park VI-0520
Ö 2:18
in Prenzlauer Berg - suggestions for planning and public participation VI-0522
Ö 2:21 implementation of the gender policy framework program - Districts Master Plan VI -0572 Ö
2:23 rededication of the Children and Youth Cultural Centre Eliashof VI-0599
Ö 2:25 survey of compensation in the redevelopment areas and the use of use VI-0629
Ö 2:27 chance to improve the school meal VI-0679
Ö 2:29 insulation district owned buildings VI-0701
Ö 2:34 estate sports facility at the White Lake VI 0744
Ö 2:38 GA application for researchers Lock / LSC immediately and fully submit VI-0781
Ö 2:42 strategy change in budgetary policy VI-0819
Ö 2:43 timetable for urban planning for the
plot Schönhauser Allee 148/Kastanienallee 97 - 1999 VI-0825 2:44 Ö planning workshop to change the former Goods Station VI-0826 Ö 2:45 Cultural Ensemble at Thälmannpark - Design VI-0841 Ö 2:46 Joint music school site
Ö 2:48 draft budget for the cultural sector VI-0848 Ö 2:49 Privacy Concerns clarify create clarity: Finally security for the Kurt Tucholsky library! VI-0851 2:56
Ö preparing
Weissensee - Composers district Prenzlauer Berg - Winsstraße
our friends from CIRCLE INITIATIVE MEDIA SINK SPREE! AG Spreeufer point us to the fact that this event will take place in parallel to the BVV Pankow: the next date for the Special Committee Spree room is this Wed, d. 14.10. at 18:30 clock at City Hall, Yorckstraße 4-11 (BVV-hall) extremely critical to the agenda include: - is the district office "new" guidelines for all banks of the Spree from Kreuzberg - the SPD tries to submit an application for construction of the former. Dämmisolgrundstückes and a vote of the entire Spree bank on Köpenicker road to an exclusive residential location - the district office is a separate installation decision for the accelerated process of a new development plan for the Dämmisol-plot before of model citizen participation has been months, the speech - this threatens to the former. Dämmisolgelände after Mary-land burial of the next citizens' decision. We can not get that far! Please help! urban development differently: Spree for all!
the subject WALL PARK
that all of us are so fond, also because of the initially described Bemächtigungswille the most brutal and most visible in the plans of Vivico Real Estate and SPD-middle-Gothe shows indicates two references:
we learned
that on Monday dem19.10.2009 the Board of the Berlin House
the theme park is to wall in a large scale will be discussed and debated. This concerns all of us!
Therefore we certainly also in the large demonstration on Wednesday to see 25.11.2009 - Caution: remove the date bandied November 4:
Notify Me!
the public meeting of the
Urban Development Committee the Borough Assembly Middle
25th November
19.30 clock
surely follow, perhaps it creates the
PS: and just reached us yet this "
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